Biblical Counseling
What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? What does that look like practically? How should one’s life reflect what they know about the Gospel?
Biblical counseling answers these questions in a tangible, practical and powerful way. Biblical counseling is focused discipleship that uses God’s Word and a growing relationship with Jesus as the means of healing and living.
Hope for Addiction
Hope for Addiction seeks to connect the desire to change with the power to change. This group is for those seeking to live a sober life and a life of stability from any addiction through the Gospel. Hope for Addiction meets in various churches throughout the metro Phoenix area.
Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
As of 2024, Mercy Hill Church is in the 27th year of a 40-year contract with HUD that provides housing for qualifying senior adults. This housing exists on the church property and will be owned by the church at the conclusion of the 40-year contract.